Make Your Own Nature Pledge

As technology evolves and becomes more and more prevalent, today’s children are spending more time in front of the TV and computer and less time in the great outdoors. The impact of this change could be detrimental to their health—and the health of our planet.

We believe children need to be exposed to fresh air and open spaces—whether that means strolling the local farmer’s market, searching for four-leaf clovers in the park or chasing fireflies at dusk. This is why a group of caring organizations is leading a campaign to open minds to connect children with nature.

Why is this important?

  • Outdoor play increases fitness levels and improves critical body balance, agility and the development of healthy bones—decreasing risk of obesity and other health issues.
  • Connecting kids with their natural environment can enhance creativity, improve physical and mental well-being, and create lasting impressions that will impact the way they see the natural world as adults.
  • Helping children develop positive emotional connections with nature will teach them to take action on behalf of the environment as adults.

We are joining forces to get children off the couch and out from behind the screen to enjoy all the wonderful opportunities nature has to offer by:

  • Building public awareness through community outreach events, including hands-on exhibits at the Taste of Chicago and Illinois State Fair.
  • Launching the first Illinois Nature World Forum, which will bring together environmental stewards and early care and education stakeholders in conjunction with the annual Opening Minds conference in January.
  • Establishing an ongoing resource network to serve as this region’s leading advocate for policies and practices that will benefit children, families, educators and countless others.

By connecting children with nature, we are opening the door to a world of creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and pure wonder. Your support will help us build public awareness and advocate for policies and practices that will raise a generation of children committed to protecting Planet Earth.


Gail Conway, CEO, Chicago Metropolitan AEYC

Please add your name to this sign-on letter to community leaders, and let us know your ideas for this campaign.