
People are talking on our online discussion boards!

If you want to share tips and tricks for handling challenging behavior, ask your peers about standards, or simply discuss early childhood education in general, this is the place!


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Forum Rules

Here are some general rules of the road you agree to abide by while using our Discussion Board:

• Be polite and respectful to your fellow users.

• Do not use these boards to advertise or sell products or services or to solicit others for commercial purposes. Spamming will not be tolerated.

• Do not post private information about yourself unless you want it to be available publicly.

• Respect the privacy of others, particularly the children and families you work with. Do not share other's personal information (such as a person's full name, phone number, address, or any other private information) unless you have their consent.

• Do not post photographs of children.

• Do not impersonate other people.

• Do not post material of others unless you have obtained their permission.

• Do not post material that is profane, abusive, offensive, pornographic, illegal, vulgar, libelous, slanderous, defamatory, hateful, threatening, or infringes a copyright or trademark.

• Remember that postings reflect the opinions and beliefs of the posters and do not necessarily represent the views of Chicago Metro AEYC. Chicago Metro AEYC is not responsible for any content posted on this site.


We hope you will find these board informative and enjoyable. Please feel free to contact Chicago Metro staff at if you feel another user has violated any of the rules above or in our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use. Be sure to include a full copy of the posting, including when it was submitted and which username posted the material.